Report Bad Behavior
When property is damaged, often times in a catastrophic manner, Floridians are stressed, overwhelmed, and sometimes even devastated. Being in a vulnerable position after a loss, can allow the unscrupulous to take advantage.
In an effort to ensure that policyholders are not being disadvantaged, our organization works to hold all adjusters (including those sent by the insurance company) and all other professionals working with our clients accountable for their words, actions, and behavior. Self-reporting the unethical behavior is a crucial way to ensure the public will have their insurance claim properly handled. If you are aware of unethical behavior, please report the details below.
In an effort to ensure that policyholders are not being disadvantaged, our organization works to hold all adjusters (including those sent by the insurance company) and all other professionals working with our clients accountable for their words, actions, and behavior. Self-reporting the unethical behavior is a crucial way to ensure the public will have their insurance claim properly handled. If you are aware of unethical behavior, please report the details below.